How To Stay Hydrated In The Summer Heat: The Ultimate Guide

How To Stay Hydrated In The Summer Heat: The Ultimate Guide

With the Summer solstice just a few days away, we should focus on answering the question of how to stay hydrated in Summer. Staying hydrated is more important than ever as the heat is quickly picking up. Spending any time outside in the sweltering heat can quickly...
What’s The Difference Between Meal Planning & Meal Prepping

What’s The Difference Between Meal Planning & Meal Prepping

When thinking about eating healthier, meal planning can seem daunting. However, a lot of the time it’s because we are thinking of meal prepping, you know with the fancy containers. When in reality, there is a big difference between meal planning and meal...
Holiday Weekend Detoxes Are Overrated

Holiday Weekend Detoxes Are Overrated

Today, we’re diving into a topic that stirs up quite the debate – holiday weekend detoxes after a weekend of gluten. It’s a love-hate relationship for many, and rightly so. Detoxes have gained popularity, specifically, those you can buy online without a...
Wellness Shots: Is This Trend Good For Your Health?

Wellness Shots: Is This Trend Good For Your Health?

Wellness Shots: Is This Trend Good For Your Health?  Ahhhh, TikTok trends, quite often, are the bane of my existence. However, the wellness shot is a trend I think is worth talking about a little bit more. For starters, what is this wellness shot trend? All over...