When jumping headfirst into your new lifestyle, one important aspect is often overlooked… accountability for your gluten-free diet.

Research shows that 8 out of 10 dieters try to lose weight on their own without any support system. Yet, the same research shows that 95% of diets fail, and most will regain their lost weight within 1-5 years.

There is no coincidence in those statistics.

We could easily discuss fad diets and why they fail, but chances are you’re not here because you are choosing the gluten-free lifestyle. However, the statistics still apply. For now, we will talk about accountability and how that can make or break your gluten-free diet.

Transforming your lifestyle into a healthier version is not impossible. However, there will be days when you need a support system to keep going.

Let’s Talk About Support Systems

While your body will often remind you that you need to stick with your gluten-free diet, having a support system in your corner to lean on when you don’t want to listen to your body is key. These are the people you can text, call or yell across the room to when you really want that regular pasta, pizza, or delicious dessert.

It does not have to be someone you live with or in your immediate family. Depending on where you are at in your gluten-free lifestyle, they may not be a good fit. The important part of your support system is that they will be there when you need it.

Having that support system will help you get through the bad days, especially as you start your gluten-free diet. Overtime, they will be there to celebrate the wins with you… getting through a week without getting sick, succeeding at new recipes, or feeling more like yourself.

What About The “Why”

A common motivational tactic when making a lifestyle change is to “set your why.” In other words, what is your deep-down reason for wanting to make this lifestyle change?

Your body is deciding for you, so it’s up to you to mentally commit to this long-term lifestyle.

For example, a mom’s why can be to find her energy again after battles with her health to keep up with her kid’s needs.

Some coaches or trainers will go as far as saying, “Your why should make you cry,” it should be so strong and deep that every time you think about failing your why, you cry.

Your why is important, but I don’t want you to cry whenever you think about it. What if your why becomes too stressful or it is so big and important that you feel like a failure for not accomplishing your goals?

Even worse, what if it makes you give up altogether because you feel you can never give it what it deserves?

This is why you need accountability.

Why You Need Accountability In Your Gluten-Free Diet

There is research to support the idea that “it takes 21 days to form a habit” is not accurate.

A habit is seen as something that is an automatic part of your day. It’s something you don’t need to think about to make it happen.

Research shows that it takes 18 to 254 days for a person to form a new habit, and the same study shows that it takes 66 days for that behavior to become a habit. [2009. European Journal of Social Psychology].

66 days.

There is nothing wrong with taking time to build your gluten-free lifestyle. However, doing it on your own for 66 straight days (give or take 188 days) will not likely be easy every single day.

On those days when it gets frustrating (or you want to cry because you feel miserable), a support system is necessary for accountability. Having someone show up to check in with you on a schedule or be available by text could be the thing that makes or breaks your new habits. There will be days when just knowing that someone else cares about you and your health will change your entire mindset for the day.

It makes you accountable not only to yourself but also to someone who is investing their time to help you turn your health around.

And, in turn, you may be helping that person achieve their why. A win for both of you!

Working With a Gluten-Free Coach

While there may be plenty of people in your corner, sometimes having an outsider looking in can be exactly what you need to stick to your gluten-free diet.

Working with a gluten-free coach can help you know where to start and what habits to build upon and check in with you regularly to make sure you stay on track.

Our 1:1 coaching program offers a 10-week coaching package where you can work with us on building out new meal plans, finding new recipes, getting help figuring out where gluten is hiding, and ultimately building the habits needed to maintain your gluten-free diet.

Incase you’re counting, that ten weeks will get you past 66 days.

We’ve got your back on this one!

1:1 Gluten-Free Coaching


Kristin Longacre

Hey There, I’m Kristin, a gluten-free nutrition coach helping gluten-free families adjust to their new lifestyle.

Why Accountability Matters on Your Gluten-Free Diet