We all know the gluten-free recipe struggle: you want to cook something delicious and nutritious, but finding recipes your family will eat can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. However, it doesn’t have to be that complicated. There are many more recipes out there than you think, and instead of finding the perfect one, keep trying new ones.

Some of your new favorite recipes might be right in front of you.

Gluten-Free Recipes Tip 1: Dust Off Those Cookbooks

Remember those dusty old cookbooks that have been sitting on your kitchen shelf for years? It’s time to give them some love.

Start flipping through those pages and looking for recipes that catch your interest. Even if a recipe isn’t gluten-free, there’s usually room for modification.

For example, if the recipe calls for all-purpose flour, you usually can use gluten-free 1:1 flour.

Gluten-Free Recipes Tip 2: Recipe Card Exchange

In the digital age, handwritten recipe cards have become a thing of the past. But there’s something fun about the old-school charm of sharing recipe cards.

There is something about copying recipes onto note cards and adding them to an old recipe box. You can also initiate a recipe card exchange with friends.

Don’t underestimate the recipes your friends and family have to share. Reach out and ask friends or family for their current favorite recipes. People are often more willing to share than you might think.

Gluten-Free Recipes Tip 3: Embrace Google & Pinterest

Of course, we can’t ignore what’s available online with gluten-free recipes.

Google and Pinterest are gold mines of inspiration, offering a huge variety of recipes at your fingertips. However, don’t just look at the recipes; read the comments. You might find valuable tips and modifications from others who have tried and tested the recipes.

Know What You’re Looking For

My ultimate advice is to step back and figure out what you’re looking for before you research.  Every recipe out there serves one family for a reason; it may not fit you. Knowing what you’re looking for will help you quickly weed out recipes that don’t work.

Experiment with new recipes, make modifications as needed, and remember that it’s okay if a recipe doesn’t turn out perfectly. It’s all part of the adventure.

Don’t forget, do not get overwhelmed by the idea of finding the perfect recipe, and don’t be afraid to make adjustments along the way.

Inside of my eBook, Going Gluten-Free: Meal Planning, I teach you everything you need to know to create your meal plans that are customized to your family and their needs. Click the banner below to grab your copy.

Gluten-Free Meal Planning


Kristin Longacre

Hey There, I’m Kristin, a gluten-free nutrition coach helping gluten-free families adjust to their new lifestyle.

Easy Ways To Find Meal Planning Recipes