I totally get it; life as a busy mom is chaotic (at best), and sticking to a gluten-free diet can feel like just one more thing added to your plate. Don’t worry; it’s time to take the chaos out of one aspect of your life. Today, I will load you up with tips and help you start committing to your gluten-free diet.
What Keeps You From Committing To Your Gluten-Free Diet
Let’s start with the fun stuff: tackling the chaos of being a busy mom on a gluten-free diet.
One of the biggest hurdles? Time. Who has time to plan elaborate gluten-free meals when you’re busy running the kids to soccer practice and tackling a never-ending to-do list? Not me, that’s for sure.
When I first started my gluten-free journey, I had two kids in three sports, ran a business, worked full-time, and felt like I could barely keep my head above water. That probably sounds very familiar to you.
I tell you this to help you realize that you are not alone.
That’s why I will forever preach the power of gluten-free meal planning. Spending a little time planning out your week on Sunday can go a long way.
Meal Planning Made Easy
Let’s talk about meal planning for a second. I didn’t believe in meal planning until I realized the chaos it took off of my plate. Here’s the thing about meal planning: most people view it simply as “write out meals for seven days this week” rather than “What is realistic for my family this week?”
After a lot of research and playing around, I developed the method that I teach in Going Gluten-Free: Meal Planning, my eBook dedicated to planning your meals and finding recipes.
This changed everything. When I started preparing and planning gluten-free dinners that worked for my family, it became so much easier to keep the house gluten-free.
On-the-Go Snacks and Quick Meals
As a busy mom, I’m constantly on the go, so I need snacks to keep up with our evenings at the sports fields. On road trips for sports or evenings with the kids, having a cooler (or snacklebox) filled with gluten-free snacks is a must.
You cannot guarantee that a gas station or restaurant you stop at will have gluten-free options. I never leave home without a stash of gluten-free snacks or a protein shake in my bag.
Some of my favorite gluten-free snacks are:
- Rice cakes
- Tortilla chips
- Gluten-free crackers
- Veggies & hummus
- Fruit of ANY kind
- Albanese gummy bears (hey, I didn’t say we’re all healthy around here).
Having snacks with you will prevent the last-minute “I need food RIGHT NOW” feeling that ends up with a stomach full of gluten and many regrets coming your way.
Navigating Social Situations with Confidence
Something that many people often overlook when starting their gluten-free diet is how to handle social situations. Especially in situations where you cannot control the food around you.
I once saw it described as “A minefield of gluten-filled temptations and well-meaning but clueless friends.”
My number one tip? Advocate for yourself. Do not be afraid to speak up and let people know about your dietary needs. Here’s the thing, people will have opinions. If they respect you, they’ll help you make arrangements that fit with your needs. For those who voice their opinions, just remember they don’t have to wake up feeling miserable tomorrow. You do.
There is a mental game with it, and friendships are broken over it. However, at the end of the day your health is the most important thing and you must keep that in mind!
If there isn’t an option for you, don’t hesitate to ask if you can bring your own gluten-free dish to share.
Staying Motivated and Consistent
Last but not least, let’s talk about staying motivated and consistent on your gluten-free journey. It’s not always easy, I know. There have been times when I’ve wanted to throw in the towel and accept the consequences. But then I remind myself why I started this journey in the first place: a trip to urgent care, lots of anxiety and stomach pain.
Yea, it’s not worth going back to that!
If you are struggling to remain consistent, find a friend or a family member who you can work alongside with to stay accountable. The further you get into your gluten-free diet, the more you will feel comfortable standing up for yourself and staying consistent.
When you are feeling tempted or pressured to eat the gluten, just keep the side effects in mind. Your health is worth staying on the gluten-free diet.
Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Reach out to your fellow gluten-free community (hi, it’s me) for support, swap recipes, and share tips and tricks. Together, we’ve got this!
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Hey There, I’m Kristin, a gluten-free nutrition coach helping gluten-free families adjust to their new lifestyle.