Gluten-Free Blog Posts

Welcome to our gluten-free blog, where every post is written by your gluten-free coach to help you on your journey toward a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle. Whether you’re a seasoned gluten-free connoisseur or just embarking on this dietary path, our blog is your compass, offering a wealth of tips, recipes, and insightful information.

Breaking Down Inflammatory Foods

Breaking Down Inflammatory Foods

Inflammatory foods are everywhere. One quote that has stuck with me for months is: “Many people are strangers to their own kitchen.” In a world of go-go-go, we live for quick and easy meals, usually at the sacrifice of our health. We rely on fast foods, processed foods, boxed foods, and meal kit deliveries....

Why Is Gut Health So Trendy? – Episode 07

Why Is Gut Health So Trendy? – Episode 07

Gut health is a newer trend out there, research for gut health really started between 2008 and 2012. At the time gluten-free was becoming a popular weight-loss trend, but it also began to open the eyes of researchers as they saw what was happening to those who were healing from diseases they didn’t know they...

Why Do Vegetables Matter For Your Health?

Why Do Vegetables Matter For Your Health?

"Eat your vegetables, there's starving kids in Africa," is a phrase you probably heard often as a child. However, your parents had a reason for encouraging you to clean your plate. Why do vegetables matter for your health? Let's talk about that today on the blog. Why Do Vegetables Matter For Your Health? Next...

How To Use A Food Journal

How To Use A Food Journal

So you want to start tracking your food, but are overwhelmed and don’t know where to start? One person on Instagram says to use macros but your friend on Facebook loves counting calories. Then there is the idea of a food journal and now you’re just not ready to do anything at all.  Does that sound about right? ...

Why Does Accountability Matter For Your Gluten-Free Diet?

Why Does Accountability Matter For Your Gluten-Free Diet?

When jumping headfirst into your new lifestyle, one important aspect is often overlooked… accountability for your gluten-free diet. Research shows that 8 out of 10 dieters try to lose weight on their own without any support system. Yet, the same research shows that 95% of diets fail, and most will regain their...

Gluten-Free Tuna Pasta Salad

Gluten-Free Tuna Pasta Salad

Sometimes, you need a gluten-free tuna pasta salad, am I right? With the weather starting to warm up this week in the Midwest, I felt the need to meal prep something that reminded me of Spring or Summer for lunch. Pasta salad sounded like something that would be filling yet satisfying that craving. Plus, you can...

How To Shop For Gluten-Free Food

How To Shop For Gluten-Free Food

One of the first skills you will learn when going gluten-free is how to shop for gluten-free food. It's not always the easiest, but it's the most important. Two years ago, we got the call that B had to eliminate fructose from his diet. I was given a list of things to eliminate, and one of the biggest pieces was...

What To Do With Leftover Turkey

What To Do With Leftover Turkey

It's easy to feed a dozen people with one turkey. This year we were feeding three adults and one child so if you are like us, there is a good chance your fridge is full of leftover turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, etc. I'm no Monica Geller so I do not do moist-maker sandwiches (if you know, you know) but I'm...

Homemade Golden Milk – The Best Gluten-Free Coffee Creamer

Homemade Golden Milk – The Best Gluten-Free Coffee Creamer

You are missing out if you haven't tried homemade golden milk as a coffee creamer. One of the biggest shocks of eliminating gluten from my diet meant finding a dairy-free & gluten-free coffee creamer. After years of fancy coffee creamers, I wanted something with a little flavor but something that wouldn't...

Pumpkin Recipes For The First Day of Fall

Pumpkin Recipes For The First Day of Fall

You may now proceed to drink your Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Just kidding, we need to have a quick conversation first. I know the PSL came out early (as usual) this year but I have refused to even think about Fall foods until today. While I’m not spending the day baking, I did round up a number of healthy pumpkin...

3 Ways To Boost Immunity For The Start of School

3 Ways To Boost Immunity For The Start of School

As my husband said last week, Spring Break is finally over. Disclaimer, we completely acknowledge that eLearning last Spring was NOT Spring Break for teachers and kids. However, after being home for five months together right as Spring Break started, it felt like Spring Break never really ended. Getting ready...

How To Stay In Shape When You Are Injured & Can’t Run

How To Stay In Shape When You Are Injured & Can’t Run

Let's talk about injuries and running. It's one of those dreaded situations that no one likes to think about, however is part of the sport (or in my case, life). A few weeks ago my 3-year-old left his duplo blocks out on the porch. This is a common occurrence and usually something I'm more mindful of. As I was...

How To Make A Green Smoothie (That Actually Tastes Good)

How To Make A Green Smoothie (That Actually Tastes Good)

A daily green smoothie has been a staple in our household. It isn't normal if you don't hear the blender going as everyone is getting ready to get out the door. However, over the years, I've had to cater our smoothies to different tastes (picky), diets (low-fructose/gluten-free), and needs (filling). One thing I...

It’s Okay To Be Afraid of Running

It’s Okay To Be Afraid of Running

Not long before my Sophomore year of high school my friend Nathalie showed up at my door and asked me to join the cross country team. For some reason, I said yes. For three years I fought injuries (mostly) from gymnastics and ongoing ankle problems. After a three year running career I said goodbye to running...

Gluten-Free Quesadilla With Vegetables

Gluten-Free Quesadilla With Vegetables

I'm always on the lookout for ways to add more vegetables to my diet, so when I pulled together this gluten-free quesadilla, I couldn't wait to get it out there for others. Adding in vegetables is not always an easy feat so finding new ways to mix them in makes it even more exciting. Quesadillas are a fairly...

Sweet Potato & Egg Bowl

Sweet Potato & Egg Bowl

Creating a sweet potato and egg bowl is a simple way to mix veggies, proteins, and fats into one filling meal. It's easy to customize based on what you have in the fridge and can be changed depending on the season. Using Season Vegetables The cost and taste of vegetables tend to change with the season. When...

How To Entertain Yourself While Running

How To Entertain Yourself While Running

One of the biggest objections I hear to running is "oh my gosh, it's so boring." You know what that means? It's time to try something different. When you're starting to experience running for the first time, it can take a bit to settle into your running entertainment. Through the years I've learned that everyone...

What Gear Do I Need To Start Running?

What Gear Do I Need To Start Running?

Of all sports, running is one that requires very little equipment. Let's be honest, you could grab a pair of shoes and head out the door right now for a run. Yet, as humans we tend to want stocked with all the right gear before we get started. If you are new to running or just looking for some new gear, I have a...

5 Stretches For After Your Run

5 Stretches For After Your Run

One of the most important parts of running is also the part that is often the most overlooked...stretching. It's easy to lace up our shoes and go for the run. After our runs, it's easy to sit down and call it a day. However, we are doing a disservice to our body by just running and stopping there. Over the years...